Moses & Taps
Anti-Graffiti-Folie, SHIMMS XXIX, SHIMMS Flickwerk XIX, Ewige Wiederkehr

MosesTaps Anti Graffiti Folie KHV kompr
Copyright: Karl Heinrich Veith
2024, in situ
ca. 2,2 x 7,5 m
Sprühlack, Eisenbahnteile, Klebefolie
The works on show from the Moses & Taps collective are directly linked to their work in urban environments in a number of countries – especially, graffiti on walls and trains. Their three-dimensional installations incorporate original train and subway parts, such as doors and windows, as well as PVC tarpaulins from freight trains. The work Ewige Wiederkehr (eternal return) tells of the continuously recurring cycle of action and reaction – of the production and removal of graffiti in public spaces. While the graffiti in the background only remains visible in the grouting of the tiled wall, the fragments of an “incoming” Hamburg subway train are already bringing new graffiti with them. Two of the works on show feature the sliding steel-and-tarpaulin roofs of the special freight wagons known in railroad jargon as Shimms: on the one hand, a collage of cut-outs from painted tarpaulins; and, on the other, a snapshot of a painted tarpaulin folded into pleats, just as it would appear in real life when the roof is slid back for loading and unloading the wagon. Crucial for Moses & Taps is not so much what is written, but rather that something is written.
Daniel Bauer
Sprühlack, Güterzugplane
ca. 2 x 2 m
(Format im Ursprungszustand 2 x 7,50 m)
Sprühlack, Güterzugplane
ca. 1,60 x 2,6 mEwige Wiederkehr
Sprühlack, U-Bahnteile, Kachelwand
ca. 2 x 2 x 0,5 m