28.4. – 10.11.24 URBAN ART BIENNALE 2024

Header Motiv URBAN ART BIENNALE 2024 rz motiv urbanart 30x212 240320

Staged at the UNESCO World Heritage Site Völklingen Ironworks, the Urban Art Biennale is one of the world’s largest exhibitions of this anarchic form of art. Departing from a conventional white cube aesthetic, the entire site of the Völklingen Ironworks is given over to a fruitful dialogue with an art form that has evolved from street art or graffiti. Established in 2011, the 2024 edition will focus on participatory urban art projects as well as political works in situ.


Copyright: Karl Heinrich Veith | Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte

This year, for the first time, the burner platform on the top floor of the sintering plant will form part of the urban art trail. This space will feature GANZFELD, the largest of the show’s collaborative works, which is being curated and created by Dutch artists Krista Burger and Kenneth Letsoin. Both have been in residence for a number of weeks at the Völklingen Ironworks, where they are inviting anyone and everyone to paint their own picture. These individual pieces are then combined by Letsoin and Burger to create a multi-vocal work that documents varying forms of artistic and social interaction. In this way, a collective installation takes shape over many weeks and months.

Regenera“, ein Pflanzenwesen zusammengesetzt aus unzähligen Ästen, ein Werk von Benjamin Duquenne

Regenera“, ein Pflanzenwesen zusammengesetzt aus unzähligen Ästen, ein Werk von Benjamin Duquenne
Copyright: Karl Heinrich Veith | Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte

At the same time, the Völklingen Ironworks is once again providing a whole variety of auratic locations to stage the encounter of industrial culture with urban art – whether that encounter be between gigantic machinery, against a backdrop of dusty rust-brown walls, or in the area known as Paradise, where nature is progressively reclaiming the former coking plant. Through the involvement of the city of Völklingen and the inclusion of participatory art projects, the 2024 URBAN ART BIENNALE offers more than ever an invitation to dialogue.

IPIN Cornerstone Copyright Antonin Leclere DJI 0372 beschnitten

IPIN Cornerstone
Copyright: Antonin Leclere

Opening Times


Copyright: Karl Heinrich Veith | Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte

World Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte
Until 31 October: Daily 10 am to 7 pm,
From 1 November: Daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

If you are using a smartphone, you can download the media guide to the Urban Art Biennale here.

Flyer for the exhibition:
You can download the flyer for the Urban Art Biennale 2024 here.

Artists and works

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